
My Health Articles on Yahoo!

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I have a variety of health and medical articles that have been published on Yahoo!

Vaccination against Measles can Prevent Serious Injury and Death  

Overview:  Measles is a virus that is highly contagious and can cause serious illness or death. The largest outbreak in 2011 was among unvaccinated individuals.

What you Don’t Know about Shingles can Hurt You

Overview:  Shingles is related to Chickenpox. Complications from Shingles can be severe. I was misdiagnosed.

Dengue Fever:  Not Just in the Tropics Anymore

Overview:  Dengue Fever is caused by a virus spread person to person by mosquitos. Incidences of Dengue Fever have been increasing in the US.

Acupuncture for the Treatment of Chemotherapy-Induced Nausea and Vomiting

Overview:  Acupuncture is a treatment that is being used to reduce the severe nausea and vomiting that can occur after chemotherapy treatment for cancer. Acupressure and Vitamin B6 injections have also been evaluated.

Dog Allergies Treatment:  Corticosteroids vs. Fish Oil

Overview:  Corticosteroids are commonly prescribed for dog allergies. However, try fish oil first as it helps not only allergies but  diseases such as cancer –with no significant side effects.

New Classification Criteria for Sjogren’s Syndrome: a Common Autoimmune Condition

Overview:  Sjogren’s Syndrome is a common autoimmune condition. For the first time, there is agreement on objective clinical criteria in deciding who indeed has Sjogren’s Syndrome and who does not.

Parasite from Cats Can Cause Severe Birth Defects in Newborns

Overview: A parasite found in cat feces and under-cooked meat can cause pregnant women to miscarry or have premature delivery and severe eye and brain damage in newborns. A new screening test has just been developed by scientists at NIAID to identify the parasite.

Vinegar and Other Natural Remedies for Insect Repellent

Overview: It is not necessary to use a chemical insect repellent with DEET as there are natural alternatives such as vinegar and natural oils that can be used instead.

Deep Vein Thrombosis:  How to Prevent this Potentially Deadly Condition

Overview:  Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) is defined as a blood clot in a deep vein in the body–usually the legs–but it can occur elsewhere. DVT is thought to occur in more than 1 in 1,000 adults every year. This type of clot may be deadly.

My 3-Year Old Child Had Bladder Surgery Due to Vesicoureteral Reflux

Overview:  Substantial morbidity and mortality can be associated with vesicoureteral reflux; therefore, it is important for the condition not to be overlooked. My child had kidney damage already by the time of her diagnosis.

6 Myths about What Medicare Covers and What it Doesn’t

Overview:  As a health and life insurance agent specializing in seniors, I hear about all kinds of myths regarding what Medicare does and does not cover. I will discuss six of the most common ones.

Medicare Part A:  Misconceptions about What it Covers

Overview: Medicare Part A misconceptions about hospital coverage as well as skilled nursing care, hospice care and home care.

Methotrexate Effects Include Reducing Heart Attacks, Strokes, Cancer and Rheumatoid Arthritis Symptoms

Overview:  Methotrexate is a drug being tested in a new NIH study for its ability to reduce heart attacks, strokes and cardiovascular deaths. However, the drug can have deadly side effects.

SCID: New Treatment Development in Immune System Disorder That Kills Children

Overview: SCID or severe combined immunodeficiency is a group of inherited immune system diseases that usually kill children by the age of two if their immune system cannot be significantly improved to ward off infection. Gene therapy is a promising new treatment.

Written by cathyjwhite

April 15, 2012 at 12:21 pm

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